Our charity

Bethesda Children's Foundation was founded as a non-profit company in 2012 and became a charity in August 2013. Our aim is to support the long-term work with vulnerable children of Bethesda Mission Trust by raising funds from UK-based organisations and individuals.


The charity is administered and overseen by a group of Trustees who work in a voluntary capacity and choose not to claim expenses so that as much income as possible is used to support the children in India.

We have all spent time with the children and been amazed at the atmosphere of joy and love there. We've seen how the children are some of the happiest and confident we have met. We want to make sure the work continues with sustainable funding - that the children continue to have the food, education and other essentials they need.

The trustees are all committed Christians and believe God works through the charity to support Pastor Samuel. The apostle James wrote: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress." (James 1:27)

For the current Trustees of the charity, and access to our annual returns, please visit the Charity Commission website.

If you might be interested in supporting the charity with your time and skills, please contact us.

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